Greetings Dear Oaklyn Families & Staff,
We’d like to welcome you back to school and thank you for your continued partnership as we work together to keep schools safe.
The latest COVID-19 Activity Level Index (CALI Report) indicates that transmission rates are at MEDIUM status. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has also developed a Know Your COVID-19 Community Level Tool (Click Here). This tool also indicates that Camden County is MEDIUM. We will continue to monitor the situation and adjust our health and safety protocols as needed.
Oaklyn will continue to operate under a mask-optional policy. We have all learned a lot over these last several years and encourage families to make the best decisions possible to protect themselves and others. This includes the following recommendations:
- Stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines and boosters.
- Stay home if you are sick.
- Avoid contact with people who have suspected or confirmed COVID-19.
- Follow isolation & post-exposure recommendations and wear a mask through day 10.
- Get tested if exposed to someone with COVID-19, if you develop COVID-19 symptoms, and before/after travel.
- Keep at-home tests on hand.
- Look for ways to improve airflow when home or indoors.
- Wash your hands frequently.
- Clean and disinfect your home.
- If you are at high risk for severe disease, plan for rapid testing and talk to your healthcare provider.
Families are encouraged to contact their school nurse if they have additional health-related questions or concerns. Thank you for your attention and we look forward to a positive, productive school year.
Fredrick McDowell, Ed.D.
For Link to Letter and Infographic: (CLICK HERE)